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Nielsen & Geenty Insurance Services Inc. Call us at 877-856-9231.California Legal Malpractice Insurance, Kurt Nielsen & Paul Geenty
License CDL#-0D12175 P.O. Box 1689 Cedar Ridge, CA 95924

Nielsen & Geenty Insurance Services is a boutique insurance brokerage specializing in Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance. We possess broad knowledge of the insurance industry; however, we specialize in legal malpractice insurance to better serve our clients. We have long-term relationships with the attorneys we represent because we carefully help them with their risk management.  We shop for the best malpractice insurance for lawyers each year upon renewal. In addition to professional liability insurance, we offer other services that businesses need such as Workers’ Compensation Insurance, Office Package Policy, Bonds, Health Insurance and more.

Nielsen & Geenty Insurances Services Inc. has been specializing in legal malpractice insurance for more than 20 years.  We know that every attorney has a unique situation with different insurance requirements. Therefore, we underwrite each policy personally, taking into consideration your needs and objectives.  When your contact our office, experts Kurt Nielsen or Paul Geenty will help choose coverage limits, deductibles, and help fill out the application. We have access to all available policies we can quickly obtain quotes from multiple carriers with just one application.  This allows us to efficiently provide you all the information you need to choose the coverage that is right for you and fits your budget. We know the markets and understand your practice. The right coverage provides peace of mind. Let our business protect your business.

When you become our client, you will receive:

  • A licensed professional working for your interests
  • Practical and accurate information about your insurance policy and your insurance company
  • Personal service
  • Risk management and loss control services for you and your business, at no additional cost
  • Access to a customer service center to manage your policy on an ongoing basis

Call us at 877-856-9231 today or fill out our online quote form.